Digital Strategy Starts In The Real World

Digital Strategy Starts In The Real World

Digital church activity really only begins to work once the church or ministry begins to embrace digital in their real world experiences.

If you stream via video, talk to the camera and facilitate those joining you via video feed.

If you post a podcast, greet those listening as if they were sitting in the room listening to you.

If you have a Facebook page and someone asks a question, answer them in the same style you would if you were sitting with them face to face.

Many pastors and ministry leaders think they need a tech guru in place to manage the church’s online presence. What they really need is a pastor who can learn tech. It’s easier teaching a person with a pastors heart the in’s and out’s of a digital channel than trying to teach a tech guru how to have a pastors heart. – no offense tech gurus.

It’s all about being who you are in the real world and adopting a new channel to tell people who you are. Don’t try and be who you are not – that’s never worked, anywhere.

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